Let’s Make Berkeley FireSafe
Berkeley is at high risk of wildfire because of its topography, winds, and adjacent wildland areas. The increased threat is magnified by dense housing, abundant vegetation next to homes, and narrow roads.
To prevent catastrophic wildfires from spreading through Berkeley, our firefighters coordinate prevention measures directly with residents.
“Our goal is for firefighters and residents to work together to transition Berkeley into a FireSafe community.” David Sprague, Fire Chief
Defensible Space Inspections
The Berkeley Fire Department annually inspects all properties in the Very High Fire Danger Severity Zone. (Zones 2 & 3 )
Access your report, pay your bill or citation, and learn how to prepare for your annual inspection.
Understand Wildfire Risks in Berkeley
Discover how wildfires spread in urban environments like Berkeley.
Create Your Defensible Space
Learn how to create a buffer zone between your home and the vegetation on your property to give firefighters defensible space to better protect your home.
Harden Your Home
Wildfires can ignite features of your home, especially homes built before 2008 when Chapter 7A of the California Building Code changed to require certain fire resistance measures. Learn the steps you can take to fireproof (or harden) your home against wildfire.
Use Our Free Chipper Service
Seasonal Chipper Day service allows you to schedule free chipping and disposal of your larger vegetation debris for any resident in Berkeley.
Internship Opportunities
We’re looking for young adults to become paid interns for the Wildland Urban Interface Division!