What is this program?
The Berkeley Fire Department provides FREE CITY-WIDE curbside chipping, pickup, and disposal of vegetation material from residential properties to assist residents in their efforts to create and maintain a defensible space around their home.
Get Ready for Your Appointment
Material Accepted:
Shrubs, brush, limbs, woody bushes, broom, cypress, eucalyptus, juniper, firewood, etc.
Limbs and firewood MUST NOT exceed 8” in diameter.
Material Not Accepted:
Bagged or tied material of any kind.
Trash, construction materials, lumber, and regular yard waste.
Poison oak, blackberry brambles, leaves, lawn clippings, bamboo roots, roots with dirt, rocks, or gravel.
Pile Size:
Pile must not exceed 25 feet (length) x 4 feet (width) x 4 feet (height).
Piles with unpermitted items or any portion of a pile greater than 25 x 4 x 4 feet may be left behind and will become the resident’s responsibility to remove.
Pile Placement:
Place piles within five feet of a roadway that the chipper truck can access.
Place piles in a location that is not blocking a roadway or driveway.
Provide a minimum of 10 feet between the pile and a utility pole or fire hydrant.
Place piles in an unobstructed location, e.g. - not behind fences, closed gates, or other obstructions.